We always have a best offer for everyone

There are some best deals, we are providing you without any compromises in amenities.

Departure 25-Oct , 2019

Return 30-Nov , 2019

ORD - Chicago

JFK - New York

Departure 25-Oct , 2019

Return 30-Nov , 2019

ORD - Chicago

JFK - New York

Departure 25-Oct , 2019

Return 30-Nov , 2019

ORD - Chicago

JFK - New York

Departure 25-Oct , 2019

Return 30-Nov , 2019

ORD - Chicago

JFK - New York

Departure 25-Oct , 2019

Return 30-Nov , 2019

ORD - Chicago

JFK - New York

Departure 25-Oct , 2019

Return 30-Nov , 2019

ORD - Chicago

JFK - New York

Departure 25-Oct , 2019

Return 30-Nov , 2019

ORD - Chicago

JFK - New York

Departure 25-Oct , 2019

Return 30-Nov , 2019

ORD - Chicago

JFK - New York

Departure 25-Oct , 2019

Return 30-Nov , 2019

ORD - Chicago

JFK - New York

Disclaimer : flyoseas.com is an independent and online travel agency that arranges flights tickets for travelers on competition price. We are not linked with any hotel chain, insurance companies, leisure services, car rental and airlines. We don't claim that we are airline or a part of any airline and associated directly with any airline. We only use aggregators of hotels, airlines and any other travel services to make the reservations. Travel suppliers and consolidators can be these aggregators. The website is authentic and for expressive purpose only and doesn't declare partnership with airlines and hotel chains. By using our services at flyoseas.com, you agree that flyoseas is not liable for any direct or indirect loss. For further enquiry, you can call us at 1-855-500-0871 English and for Spanish call 1-855-500-0871. You can also drop us a mail at support@flyoseas.com